Smartfold ULTRA 1100SL Folder lguerJanuary 28, 2017 - PPCTS has installed and commissioned a SMARTFOLD 1100SL ULTRA Folder Gluer for folding carton and light corrugated, that also included an inline IMPACK ERGOSA/PERPACK Packing system at Superior Graphic Packaging. This is the first SMARTFOLD ULTRA installation in the USA with two additional lines to be commissioned shortly.

The Smartfold ULTRA is equipped with motorized carriers that include full and sectional job/memory recall for ultra fast changeovers, a "universal multi-function section" with integrated "bump & turn", as well as left and right upper driven folding belts, handheld operator control, dual pivoting touchscreens, non-proprietary "off the shelf" PLC, electronics and servo drives technologies, servo back folding system, extra length crash lock and final folding sections with retracting center carriers, and able to produce complex carton structures, straight line, auto-lock bottom, 4 & 6 corner cartons and more. In addition to the ULTRA, the SMARTFOLD family includes the shorter CLASSIC version and the new ULTRA X that will be unveiled this early spring at the PPCTS demo center in Waukesha WI and also displayed with an IMPACK Ergosa/Perpack packing system, in the techshop at the upcoming IADD-FSEA Odyssey in Schaumburg IL - May 17-19, 2017  

 Ergosa/Perpack packer

The IMPACK Ergosa/Perpack packing system with its multiple possible packing configurations is well suited for the versatile SMARTFOLD ULTRA and increases the complete lines capabilities, labor force requirements and throughput.  This was Superior's second IMPACK Ergosa/Perpack investment.

For more information, contact Richard McDonald at PPCTS. 262 695-7536 x103